Monday, February 17, 2014

Last week, I had a spike in orders (I sold four!) and did a bit of experimenting.

I'm starting to have enough orders that I'm realizing which prints are most popular and where I need to better focus my attention in the future. Additionally, there are prints I have yet to sell copies of. I'm beginning to wonder if I should even bother to renew some of the prints or just retire them altogether.

Last week, I spent some time hand-lettering quotes into my sketchbook and trying to turn them into vectors by taking a picture and converting it in Illustrator. However, I didn't use a smooth enough paper or a smooth enough pen, and the vector that created was very uneven, hard to work with, and useless.

I was just doodling in my sketchbook and created this. I posted it to Instagram and it was mildly popular.

I thought that maybe it could be a great jumping-off point for an alphabet series, if I could convert it to vector or even recreate it myself through my tablet.

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